The study of electrical activity of the heart is termed as Electrocardiogram and the instrument use to measure the electrical activity is termed as Electrocardiograph 

 Waveform of human heart

             P wave
                      Due to atrial contraction
                      Amplitude : 0.25mv
                      Duration :0.12-0.22 s
            QRS wave
                     Due to relaxation of atria and contraction of ventricles
                     Amplitude : 1.60 mv
                     Duration :0.07-0.1 s
            T wave
                     Due to ventricular relaxation
                     Duration : 0.05-0.15s

             U wave 
                     Slow relaxation of intraventricular system 
                    Amplitude : less than 0.1mv
                    Duration.  : 0.2 s

                      ECG LEAD SYSTEM

           Electrodes are used to pickup the electrical potential from the heart.There are many types of electrodes are used to pickup signal from the body .Here surface electrode is used .

         Types of  lead systems
